Monday, November 22, 2010

a front row seat

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night..." ~Joshua 1:8

What does a girl do when she gets news? The kind of news that is unexpected, heart breaking, and out of her control? The kind of news that, if she chose to meditate on it, would cause continuous sorrow, hurt, and even depression.

She felt her mind leading her there. She heard his whispers, knowing he hoped she'd absorb them & claim them. She hurt, and she knew ultimately, it was out of her control.

And, just like that, she could easily feel herself becoming like the Israelites. The ones who saw the miracles of His hand yesterday but didn't trust Him for today. And then she recollected...

"I will cry to God Most High, To God who accomplishes all things for me." Psalm 57:2

"I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted." Job 42:2

So, in the receiving of the news, she's reminded. And she's glad. Glad it's not in her control...but His. Glad that He may use her despite her. Glad she can find joy amidst the hurt. And she's excited. Excited because He will be honored. Glorified. Shown. Beyond what she's capable of...because she knows...

He, the Most High God is her Hope. Her Savior. Her Redeemer. Her Provider. Then and there, her mind becomes fixed on Him. She meditates on His plans. His will. She longs to please Him rather than others. Her desires render glory to Him rather than herself. And she finds rest for her mind and heart. The voice speaking lies is drowned out. The Word of Him brings forth the light, hope, and promises that were already there.

So now, she acknowledges her position. It's a front row seat. To watch Him work within her. Amidst her. Despite her.

~His reminders of His sovereignty through a recent miracle.

~His mercy in using the miry clay.

~A growing vocabulary in a toddler that makes me giggle. This morning it was because of a toy that was noisy and wouldn't turn off. His reply? "Oh my goodness! Hush! Hush!"

~An 8 year old girl who likes to cuddle and thinks it's for her benefit...but it's for her mama's, too.

~A husband who is compassionate, a leader, and who is expressing his availability to be used by Him.

~Prayer warriors.

~Silly songs and an excuse to dance.


Multitude Monday is here & Tuesday's Unwrapped is here.


  1. Love this, Erin. The vocabulary makes me giggle, too. Sweet.

  2. Such a good reminder not to revel in bad news. Hope you can keep focusing on the positive!

  3. I hope everything is ok...So encouraging to see you stand (with help!) in the midst of it all!

  4. Conheci seu cantinho em visita através de seu comentário deixado em um outro blog que visitei, e resolvi vir dar uma olhadinha no seus posts.

    Deixo um mimo para você.

    Uma chuva de bençãos desça sobre sua casa!
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    ♥   ♥   ♥  ♥   ♥ ♥
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    ´¢/๑۩ ๑_\♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥•

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