Monday, September 20, 2010

multitude monday

As I soak up the gifts of today, I am so thankful that this faith in the Living God is devouring up my focus on the to-do list, and instead, allowing me to see the gift of the moment.
#1...the amazing blessing of hearing "mama" 8,679,543,678 times a day...all from the same little guy

#2...a quiet moment that allowed my quiet time to soak in

#3...a set of chocolate chip muffin hands & face to wipe down

#4...a daughter who's enjoying her 4th book of the day

#5...a little guy who calls every color "yewow" (yellow)

#6...the bible study that deepens my knowledge and love for His Word

#7...the laundry that reminds me that I have these precious little bodies to care for

#8...the laundry basket that can hold the laundry that can wait another day

#9...the little tikes trike, sidewalk chalk, electric car, and jump rope that are calling my name...because these littles can't wait another day

#10...knowing that the day will end in prayer over them...because I can.

Linking up w/ Multitude Monday today.


  1. Found you at Ann's tonight and I have to say that I love number 10 ... praying over them because of course you can and do ... the most profound gift a mother can give her children I believe is prayer.

  2. I love the laundry that can wait because the little ones can't. Thanks for sharing your 1000 gifts!

  3. Welcome to the group! Counting along with you ... As always a joy to splash in thankfulness all around.

