I just recently heard news that someone I've known for many years is sick. Really sick. She's a private person, so it didn't surprise me that she's told no one. It did surprise me, though, that she never sought medical attention.
She's brilliant. Really. Some may not know that because she has such a type A personality, she's very introverted, and she absorbs herself in her work...in the medical profession. Which is why I know she knew and understood what was going on with her.
So many questions.
Why didn't she get help?
Why did she deny it when people asked?
Why would she choose death rather than life?
As I thought about all these things and the lady behind them, I thought about my King. There are so many questions in life that we will never know the answer to in this life. When I don't know the answers, I can look to the One who holds them all. Steadily keeping my eyes. Fixed. On. Him.
Living life with my eyes fixed on Him isn't easy. It's a struggle to not glare, much less glance, at my earthly circumstances, my own incapable feet, my multiple failures, or my expectations of how this life should be lived out. BUT PRAISE JESUS!!!!
Because when I take my eyes away from those things, and I fix my eyes on Him, He shows me His earthly walk, His capable feet, His triumphs within weak vessels, and His plan for how this life should be lived out. So, though I don't know the answers, I am thankful that this thing called faith in the Living God is devouring my view on life from an earthly perspective.
Thankful that I'm learning to trust Him more when life throws me the question "why"...as I join Thankful Thursday. As I do, would you join me here, too, to worship?
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7
May you be sweetly blessed.